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OuNous Festival will be arranged on 7th to 10th December 2023. Stay Tuned!

NouNous Festival is here again! This year the popular and unique 5 day festival brings the best of Finnish and international physical comedy to Helsinki. The themes of performances take us from the world of constant movement through divine lies to the peaks of energy and extremes. Tickets are on sale in Tiketti only, on 20th of October onwards. 

Due to an injury - Red Hot Condition will be replaced with Receptionists 2.-4.12.

We welcome you to experience some laughter and joy during the darkest time of the year!

NOV 30tH

19h00  Pendulum

            Helsinki premiere


19h00 Only Bones v1.9 -

           Matt Pasquet


20h00 The Divine Lie


19h00 Only Bones v1.9 -

           Matt Pasquet 

20h00 Receptionists



15h00 Pendulum

17h00 Receptionists

19h00 Only Bones v1.9

20h00 The Divine Lie

dec 4th

15h00 Pendulum

17h00 Receptionists

19h00 The Divine Lie


Only by Tiketti

25,00/20,00/16,50 €

Serial ticket 50,00 € incl. 4 free to choose shows

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Pendulum I Thom Monckton I Luis Sartori do Vale cCosmin Cirstea


Luis Sartori do Vale and Thom Monckton

Dec 1st 19h00, 3rd and 4th 15h00

PENDULUM  is two aristocrats’ cavalcade of self-reinforcing idiocracies and a peculiar fascination with everything that sways, cradles or swings. Two noblemen set out on a journey of inexplicable importance. In the familiar surroundings of upper-class comfort not even stupidity stands in the way of these two and their ingenious discoveries. Slowly, it dawns on them however, that not everything is as it once was, for what is Nobility without riches, servants and reason?

All the things that constantly move back and forth is the essence of restlessness! Yet, we find in these motions an intrinsic comforting, as if they remind us of an experience before consciousness.

The performance aims to combine the explosiveness and action of circus with the human physical response to gentle constant movement.

Creation and performers: Luis Sartori do Vale and Thom Monckton

Light design: Jere Mönkkönen

Sound design: Petteri Rajanti

Production: Kallo Collective

Premiere: 31.1.2020, Odense Denmark

Co-producer: Dynamo Workspace for circus and performing arts

Support: Arts Promotion Centre, Samuel Huber foundation, CIrko, NouNous Festival, Danish Arts Foundation, Nordic Culture Point

Duration 50 minutes

Age recommendation +8 yrs.

Kallo Collective - The Divine Lie - JPM



Dec 1st and 3rd 20h00 and 4th 19h00

Inspired by Anna Kortelainen's book Restless Woman - The Cultural History of Hysteria and its descriptions of hypnosis shows and the phenomena around the hysteria patients in the Late 19th Century.

Directed by Pirjo Yli-Maunula and created in collaboration with the entire working group, the work moves at the interfaces of different art fields. The multidisciplinary team consists of artists from clowning, dance, corporeal mime, music and visual arts. 

The audience is taken to the interface of absurd scenes from the everyday life of the sanatorium, and the repetitive days of alike. The movingly heroic and tenacious characters, their dreams, hopes, resentments, and efforts of power, become shameless and sensual, perhaps redefining beauty as well.

Direction: Pirjo Yli-Maunula

Performers: Jenni Kallo, Ona Kamu, Kaisa Niemi, Tuovi Rantanen, Hanna Terävä 

Music: Ona Kamu

Sound design: Hanna Rajakangas

Light design: Sofia Palillo

Set and costumes: Heidi Kesti

Photos: Janne-Pekka Manninen

Trailer: Acke Salo/Lentoi Films

Production: Kallo Collective

Duration: 60 minutes

Age recommendation: +12 yrs.

OnlyBonesv1.9_Matt cSimon Abel


Dec 1st 19h00 Worldpremiere

Dec 2nd & 3rd 19h00

Only Bones v1.9 answers the biggest scientific question of them all "How did life begin?"....

Or maybe touches upon it.


Taking you on a journey of evolution from space matter to conscious extremities as they help and hinder their host on the exploration of the many rooms that a mere 1 square metre can bring, set to a micro foley soundscape...oh and there’s Kung Fu!

Creation and performance: Matt Pasquet

Outside eye: Thom Monckton & Jenni Kallo

Music creation: Tuomas Norvio

Light design: Ainu Palmu

Technician: Simon Abel

World premiere 1.12.2022

Production and support: Kallo Collective

Duration appr. 45 minutes

Age recommendation +8 yrs.



Inga Björn & Kristiina Tammisalo

Dec 2nd 20h00 and Dec 3rd & 4th 17h00

A spinoff show from Chameleon, these two receptionists are fast-talking smooth moving professionals in the hospitality industry. They speak multiple languages, none of which you can understand, and have an almost pathological fear of their customers.

Impressively silly and exceptionally charismatic, Inga and Kristiina have a unique and hilarious chemistry, which makes the whole experience delightfully bonkers. The aesthetically pleasing performance is strongly physical, unconventional and hilarious, suitable for all age groups.

Creation and direction: Inga Björn & Kristiina Tammisalo

Outside eye: Thom Monckton

Sound design: Esko Mattila

Light design: Kauri Klemelä

Visual: Gemma Tweedie

Duration 55 minutes

Age recommendation +7 yrs

With support from: Finnish Arts Promotion Center, Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Helsinki City, Cirko - Center for New Circus

Sijaintikartta I Cirko
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